When we draw a car, we always try to anticipate the emotion the car will give you when built, first thinking of it through an outline. These ‘paper cars’ don’t always reflect the exact idea of what the produced car will be, but certainly they constitute an important moment for the realization of the final lines. In the past it wasn’t always like that, and only few of our cars had a deserved ‘author’s portrait’. I remember in fact that most of the time we only drew the technical essential profiles of the cars, passing from the figure in scale 1:10 to the ‘at real’ shape, first plaster and then by pencil. And we did it working close to the prototype we was creating, often in uneasy conditions, above all in winter. Then gradually but more continuously, we entrusted the development and the visualization of the projects to good collaborators. The outlines of our cars so became more numerous. Through them one can find an interesting reading key concerning our stylistic evolution. It is fair to my mind remember the drawns’ authors with gratitude and thankfulness: Fabio Luigi Raspi, Ercole Spada and Giuseppe Mittino. The last ones are in our Design Centre.Gianni Zagato