Join us !

You can download the application form to the Club. Only cars with Zagato bodywork eligible for registration.
The form must be completely filled up with your personal data and the ones of the motor vehicle/s. N.B.: remember to fill the form regarding the treatment of the data (privacy ), thanks.
For every infos on registration, please feel free to write at this e-mail: 

To the form, completely filled, you must enclose 4 colour photos 10 x 15 (2 at ¾ front and 2 at ¾ back) and a photocopy of registration book where the frame number can be read.

If you are interested in ASI membership, please also add the relevant cost of Euro 41.32. Europ Assistance Euro 55.00 . Europ Assistance complete Euro85.00
Please send everything to Zagato Car Club c/o Testi Via Ceron, 40 – 35129 Padova (PD), enclosing a bank draft or banker’s draft for Euro 120.00 (renewal for subsequent years is Euro 70.00) made out to Zagato Car Club, or you can make a bank transfer.

enclosing a bank draft or a cheque of Euros 120,00 (the renewal for the following years will be E. 70,00 ) registered to ZAGATO CAR CLUB, or a transfer order to ZAGATO CAR CLUB with the following coordinates:
 IBAN IT91S0306912117100000019367

Fiscal Code :C.F.93501780154


Invoice Code W7YVJK9

The Members who shouldn’t have sent the form regarding the treatment of their data, are kindly requested to provide, downloading the form, compiling and sending it, in advance too -if liking- by e-mail, by mail, thanks.

The Club will welcome the new Members, giving them a coloured glazed plate of the Zagato Car Club, a silver glazed armorial for jacket, various adhesives and a surprise present.

The forms are in pdf format: if you don’t have it you can download Acrobat Reader.