The EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) concerning the protection of personal data, requires to provide data subjects with precise information regarding the processing of their personal data.

Therefore, Zagato Car Club., in his position of Data Controller, would like to inform you of what personal data we collect, the reasons why we use and share such data, how long we store, your rights and how to exercise them.


Your personal data are acquired from the Zagato Car Club company website for the following purposes:

  1. Communication, marketing and promotional activities also through the sending of newsletters, through the use of all available automated and non-automated means of communication (such as paper mail, telephone, electronic address, SMS fax and the like);

The personal data processing for the purposes listed will include all the operations provided by art. 4 paragraph 2 of the GDPR 679/2016 and necessary for the processing in question, including the communication to the subjects referred to in the following point D).
The processing of data is done through the use of tools and procedures that guarantee security and confidentiality and can be carried out either by paper means, or through the use of information technology to personnel specially appointed.


For the purposes referred to in point A.1) your consent is required, which we ask you to freely express by ticking the appropriate box mail in the specific sections of your data collection. Providing the data is optional. You may decide not to give your consent, or to withdraw it at any time. Failure to provide the requested data or lack of consent has no other consequence than the impossibility to accomplish the purposes indicated


To achieve the purposes described in point A, Zagato Car Club collects the following categories of personal data:
A.1) – Common personal data (personal details, address, ect).;


Personal data will not be disclosed, with this term being intended to give it knowledge to indeterminate subjects in any way, however it may be noticed to certain subjects such as:
To company employees, to allow the processing of data for the purposes indicated and the storage of data as required by the Zagato Car Club. security standards, as well as consultants or professionals who perform work on behalf of Zagato Car Club. These subjects are authorized to process the data as Data Processors in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 of the GDPR or Data Processors pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR;
A company in controlling relationship and / or connection with Zagato Car Club;
To the authorities for legal obligations;
The data will not be transferred to third countries outside the European Union or to international organizations.


Personal data collected for the purposes indicated in the previous point A.1) will be processed and stored for the time necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes. They will be deleted or made anonymous in case you withdraw your consent.


Zagato Car Club recognizes these rights:

ask the Controller of the processing of access to your personal data to rectify or delete them or limit the processing that concerns you to oppose the processing, in addition to the right to data portability
withdraw the consent at any time.
The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
propose a complaint to the Privacy Authority.
You can exercise your rights by writing to:, indicating in the object ZagatoCarClub – Rif. Privacy.


The Controller of processing data is Zagato Car Club., registered office in Testi Via Ceron, 40 – 35139 Padova (Italia).
This site uses cookies in the forms and ways described in this page. By using this site you consent to the use of cookies in compliance with the terms and conditions described below.


Cookies are text files containing sets of information that are stored in your computer or mobile devices every time you access a site via a browser. Every time you visit the site again, your browser sends these cookies to the website that originated them or to another site. Cookies allow sites to remember some information that makes online navigation simple and quick.

According to the aims pursued, the cookies used by websites can be divided into three categories described below:

absolutely necessary or so-called “technical” cookies: they are vital to navigate the sites visited and use some functions. Without these cookies, some online services requested by the user (i.e. access to reserved areas) cannot be supplied.

performance cookies: gather anonymous information and allow understanding how users interact with the visited site. For instance they tell which pages have been most visited, the time spent on the site, any error messages, etc. Performance cookies gather information on an aggregate basis and anonymously, and are used to improve the site operation and users’ surfing experience.

functional cookies: allow the site to remember the choices made by the user (such as the size of the font of the viewed text, language preference, etc.) and to supply the customised functions you have selected. In some cases these cookies can be used also to offer online services or to avoid offering services or messages you have already refused in the past.

According to their lifetime, cookies can be:

session (or temporary): they are cancelled when the browser is closed;

long-term: they are stored as a file, even after the browser is closed and they are cancelled after a set time.

According to the website or domain they come from, cookies can be:

first-party (or proprietary): they are the cookies set directly by the sites visited by the user that is the websites whose address has been entered by the user (displayed in the URL bar). They are managed by the domain that generated them.

third-party: these cookies are set by a website other than the one visited by the user. They are managed by domains other than the ones visited.


This site uses various types of cookies, for various purposes:
system functional and technical first-party cookies (i.e. during authentication, authorization and navigation services accessed via registration);
third-party cookies, specifically those issued by aggregate analysis tools such as Google Analystics.

Zagato Car Club. uses the service of Google Analytics supplied by Google Inc. for the aggregate analysis of the navigation data that allows improving websites. This tool uses cookies that are left in the computer or mobile devices in order to allow site administrators to analyze how users use the sites themselves. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website by the user (including the IP address anonymised by removing some figures) are transmitted and left with Google servers.

This information is used to trace and examine the use of the website by the user, draw up reports on the site activities and supply other services connected to the site activities and the use of the Internet. Users who do not wish any Google Analytics cookies can prevent them from being stored on their computers or mobiles via the appropriate “Google Analytics browser deactivation add-on” found at To activate the component inhibiting the collection of information about the user’s visit, just install it following the on-screen instructions, close and reopen the browser.

This site offers users some services made available by third parties, for instance the connection to social network services. In particular, the site offers plugins for Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. These plugins do not set a cookie but, if this is already present on the computer or mobile, they can read it and use it according to its settings. Apart from these cases, where the user is willing to share his/her surfing details with the selected social networks, Zagato Car Club. shares with social networks no other navigation or data information about the users acquired via the site. The collection and use of information by third parties are governed by the respective privacy laws which we suggest you refer to.

The user can decide to disable all the cookies by modifying the settings of the program used to surf the net (browser). If you disable the cookies, some of the services might however not work correctly and you will not be able to access the numerous functions designed to optimize the navigation experience. For further infomation on the management or cancellation of the browser cookies, refer to the following paragraph of this Cookie Policy.


The site might use third-party cookies used to display advertising based on the users’ interests. This infomation is gathered while you surf the net and is in no way connected to the account you access the site with. In particular, Google Adwords by Google Inc. uses the navigation data in its online advertising circuit to show advertising more in line with the user’s interests. Zagato Car Club SpA exploits this technology and uses the navigation data collected from its site to offer the user targeted interest-based advertising. Browsers allow users to disable third-party cookies aimed at allowing online interest-based advertising. The instructions on how to disable cookies in the most important browsers can be found in the COOKIES paragraph. In case of different devices (for instance computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you must ensulinre that each browser on each device is set on your cookie preferences.


Most internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically. You can modify these settings so as to block cookies or be warned every time cookies are sent to the navigation device. Moreover, you can delete the cookies from your device at the end of each session. There are various ways to manage cookies, so please refer to the instructions relating to the browser you use. By selecting the connections below, you can acess the specific instructions to manage cookies through some main browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Safari. If you do not use one of the above-mentioned browsers, you can anyway select “cookies” in the relative guide section to discover where the cookie folder is.

If you use different devices to display and acces websites (for instance computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), it is your responsibility to ensure each browser is set on each device according to your cookie preferences.